Editorial process
Written and curated by registered Australian Pharmacists
AusDI's drug information content is authored and curated by an in-house team of registered pharmacists, designed to help Pharmacists, GPs, nurses and healthcare professionals make confident clinical decisions.
Developed in accordance with independent EAC Guidelines
AusDI is supported by an independent Editorial Advisory Committee consisting of esteemed industry stakeholders. The role of the Editorial Advisory Committee is to provide consultation and guidelines to help ensure the safety and quality of medicines information.
Dr. Jenny Gowan
PhD, Grad Dip Comm Pharm, PhC, FACPP, FPS
Consultant Pharmacist
Dr. Treasure McGuire
PhD, B Pharm, BSc, Postgrad Dip Clin Hosp Pharm
Assistant Director of Pharmacy (Practice & Development), Mater Hospitals, South Brisbane, Queensland
Prof. Andrew McLachlan
Rigorously reviewed and updated
Drug content is curated from regulatory bodies and primary sources, before being rigorously checked, referenced, and validated against third-party sources and uploaded into AusDI.
Content is updated monthly and time-stamped, to reflect advances in/evolving research, legislation, guidelines, and medication safety.
Enhanced with extended referential medicines content
AusDI's database is complemented by 600+ independently authored, clinically relevant drug monographs, approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and regulatory jurisdictions outside of Australia, where relevant.
Each monograph contains therapeutic class, indications, pharmacology/pharmacokinetics, precautions, adverse effects, dosing information, revision date, and more - providing a rich and in-depth database that promotes medicines education and safety.
Supplemented by additional partner content
Additional partner content from Don't Rush To Crush (DRTC), IMgateway and TRC Healthcare Natural Medicines, supplements AusDI's comprehensive medicines database – to promote patient safety, education, and clinical decision making.
AusDI’s medicine decision content has been created and curated by an in-house team of registered pharmacists for over 30 years, gaining the trust of doctors, pharmacists and universities.
Try AusDI for FREE
To try one of Australia’s most efficient and comprehensive drug information databases, register for a 14-day FREE trial by filling in the form below.
We’ll be in touch with more information to help you get started soon.